Saturday 15 November 2014

Trade No. 2

Just a quick one – I found this other article by Turner andSabloff (2012) who have developed ideas of trade and also argue that changes to trade routes was a key cause in the Maya collapse.

They go further than Golitko et al (in the last post) and say that the shift to coastal trade was as important, if not more so, than any environmental change. Although they accept that other factors were important, they point out that there must have been more at play than just drought/invasion. They ask why the Mayans didn’t return to their original settlements once the climate had returned to ‘normal’ conditions that they were well adapted to.

This highlights the point that no single factor can cause collapse/abandonment (disproving Environmental Determinism) and that the collapse of trade networks is a valid argument for collapse.

Source: Acting Man

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