Wednesday 22 October 2014

NASA Study

Interesting article from the Independent on the NASA study, predicting the collapse of contemporary civilizations within the next few decades/century.

It has a point - with increasing pressures from rapid population growth, issues of climate change, depletion of resources and political conflicts (and outbursts of diseases) - it does sound like civilizations today are facing issues that are known to have caused previous civilization collapse...

Source: Romantic Ruins

Could we be heading towards a similar future as those ancient civilizations before us? With future populations trying to understand our lost civilization... 

I think probably not - some of the scenarios do feel a bit extreme. But if steps aren't taken to mitigate these issues then we'll be in trouble!

I'll be looking into the collapse of contemporary civilizations in a few weeks!


  1. Really interesting! Using this and your previous post on the Akkadians, our current anthropogenic activities, which have adapted CO2 emission levels so significantly, could also be inadvertently resulting in the collapse of our current civilian society!

    1. That's a really good link you've drawn there! All of these factors can accumulate and cause serious impacts that some societies may not be able to handle. It just goes to show how there are many complex, interwoven factors that can lead to decline.
